Injuries arising from inadequate or incorrect neuromuscular control during practice or performance, or poor management of an existing orthopedic injury, can sideline a ballet dancer for a season or for an entire career. In a recent workshop on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of foot and ankle injuries, Physical Therapy of Los Gatos physical therapist Ariel Lehaitre showed members of a local studio how to avoid and manage specific problems for which ballet dancers are at increased risk due to the physical challenges of their art.
With years of experience as a student of ballet, and specialized training in body mechanics and motions, Ariel brings a unique and valuable body of essential health information to the Bay Area ballet dance community. Though the workshop is incomplete without Ariel’s comments, explanations, and demonstrations, the presentation visuals available below provide useful information on specific dance injury types, causes, and degrees of severity. Additional visuals cover elements of effective treatment designs that enable dancers to return to practice without pain or elevated risk of re-injury.
The clinical staff at Physical Therapy of Los Gatos has the specialized training and direct experience required to understand the unique orthopedic challenges of ballet and provide care that produces complete recoveries from dance injuries. To discuss an individual concern, please contact us by calling (408) 358-6505.
Presentation visuals from workshop presentation “Foot and Ankle Injuries of Ballet Dancers” by Ariel Lehaitre (12 MB .pdf download)
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